Saturday, April 18, 2009

Anxiety on the Move

We've all done it at one point in our lives... if not, five.

You are asked to help move your friend from one apartment to the next. I get this request more often than others. I have come to believe it's because the higher power knows it will cause me anxiety.

Breaking your friend's shit while doing them a favour moving is the foolproof path to anxiety.

We all have experienced that extra heavy couch or the awkward glass top for a coffee table. Or perhaps you've handled an "antique," or my personal favourite: the top mattress. Yes, moving the top mattress listening to someone scream, "don't tear it!", is a sure fire way to lose all muscle strength and drop the damn thing on the tip of a machete.

Look, I know it's Saturday. But don't worry, offer yourself up to a friend, or a friend of a friend who is moving by tomorrow, so you can get that daily dose of anxiousness you've somehow missed throughout the day.

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