Friday, October 9, 2009

Daylight Savings only Loses

Many people don't know this: Daylight Savings is stupid. Why? Because it's going to be dark before 6pm pretty soon here in the USofA.

In my many years of living and loving anxiety, my main challenge associated with finding a reason to be anxious over daylight savings is that come summer, when it's light for a hundred years, I'm exuberant over our recognition of daylight savings. This cancels out the anxiousness I could have been experiencing in wintertime.

Here's the facts: Most the world doesn't recognize daylight savings. Go ahead, Wikipedia it. Bearing that in mind, the only anxious tidbit daylight savings can offer is the fact that I never really know what time it is anywhere.

And that, my fine anxious-seeking friends, is worth it!

Set your clocks, anxiety is ticking!

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