Sunday, June 13, 2010

Soy Sauce: Anxiety in a Bottle

Try it.

Just try it.

Try to manage pouring the right portion of soy sauce on your meal.

I dare you.

Soy sauce is a mixture sugar and salt. That's pretty much it. Too much and your meal tastes like a tootsie pop ground with saltines. Too little and your meal taste like the actual food you ordered.

I can't monitor my own soy sauce use. I doubt you can either. That's why today's tip of foolproof anxiety is Soy Sauce. Enjoy the salty sweet mistake of your day.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you can bring your own little nozzle with you. Like those plastic ones that you put in booze bottles?


Older Anxiety, Timeless + Foolproof

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