Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tupperware Is Not A Party

In fact, it's a no-fun zone.

Look at this picture! Does that look like a hat to you? Of course it does. That's because no matter what I do to retain matching tops and bottoms of tupperware, I can NEVER, and I mean NEVER find a suitable pair.

Life would never be this complicated without tupperware.

Thank the anxious bejesus that invented this product. Without it you'd store and transport food anxiety free. God forbid!


  1. I say we recycle all our inventory and start fresh, number them and get a tupperware caddy. Oh, but wait the thought of doing this is probably sending you right to the valium.

  2. It's just like the matching pair of socks that come out of the wash as individuals never to find a matching mate again... but alas, I don't think storing and transporting food would be anxiety free without it... the food would fall off the plate or spill in your lap - at least WHEN you do have the matching lids, it works great to keep food safe and drip free. Why don't you try storing them with the tops on?


Older Anxiety, Timeless + Foolproof

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